Pajari Räsänen
Pajari Räsänen, presently a post-doctoral research fellow at the University of Helsinki, completed his PhD degree in Comparative Literature with the thesis Counter-figures. An Essay on Anti-Metaphorical Resistance: Paul Celan’s Poetry and Poetics at the Limits of Figurality in 2007. He has co-edited, with Kuisma Korhonen, the volume The Event of Encounter in Art and Philosophy. Continental Perspectives (Helsinki: Gaudeamus, 2010), which contains his article „‚Undecidably Equivocal‘: On Todtnauberg and Forgiveness“.Â
Beiträge //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Pajari Räsänen: Breathings
On Paul Celan's Poem "Fahlstimmig"Heft No. 02/2013 /// Abstract
Wagner, Karl
Wagner, David
Wagner, Monika
Waldby, Catherine
Wark, McKenzie
Wecker, Regina
Weder, Christine
Wegmann, Thomas
Weich, Horst
Weich, Horst
Weigel, Sigrid
Weiner, Sebastian
Weinrich, Ines
Weizman, Eyal
Wellner, Klaus
Wenzel, Uwe Justus
Werlen, Iwar
Westermann, Bianca
Wetz, Gary
Wetzel, Michael
Wiegand, Daniel
Wieland, Magnus
Wiesel, Jörg
Wild, Christopher
Winckler, Barbara
Witt, Sophie
Wittmer, Alexandra
Wolfschmidt, Gudrun
Wübben, Yvonne
Wyss, Beat
Wagner, David
Wagner, Monika
Waldby, Catherine
Wark, McKenzie
Wecker, Regina
Weder, Christine
Wegmann, Thomas
Weich, Horst
Weich, Horst
Weigel, Sigrid
Weiner, Sebastian
Weinrich, Ines
Weizman, Eyal
Wellner, Klaus
Wenzel, Uwe Justus
Werlen, Iwar
Westermann, Bianca
Wetz, Gary
Wetzel, Michael
Wiegand, Daniel
Wieland, Magnus
Wiesel, Jörg
Wild, Christopher
Winckler, Barbara
Witt, Sophie
Wittmer, Alexandra
Wolfschmidt, Gudrun
Wübben, Yvonne
Wyss, Beat