Bianca Westermann
Bianca Westermann, Dr., holds a postdoc-scholarship at the Faculty of Philology at the Ruhr-University Bochum. She received her doctoral degree in media studies in 2010 (published as: Anthropomorphe Maschinen. Grenzgänge zwischen Biologie und Technik seit dem 18. Jahrhundert. Munich: Fink, 2012). Her current research interests focus on mobile media, social robots and cyborgs. Furthermore, she has been working on the medial constitution of man-machine-hybrids like automata, robots, prosthesis and cyborgs as well as the medial construction of postmodern identity in digital media. Recent publication: „Ist der Cyborg in der Realität angekommen? Mobile Medien und Mensch-Maschinen als Elemente des Alltags“. In: Marie-Hélène Adam/Szilvia Gellai/Julia Knifka (eds.): Technisierte Lebenswelt. Über den Prozess der Figuration von Mensch und Technik. Bielefeld: transcript, 2016, 159-172.
Beiträge //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Bianca Westermann: The Biomorphic Automata of the 18th Century
Mechanical Artworks as Objects of Technical Fascination and Epistemological ExhibitionHeft No. 02/2016 /// Abstract
Wagner, David
Wagner, Monika
Waldby, Catherine
Wark, McKenzie
Wecker, Regina
Weder, Christine
Wegmann, Thomas
Weich, Horst
Weich, Horst
Weigel, Sigrid
Weiner, Sebastian
Weinrich, Ines
Weizman, Eyal
Wellner, Klaus
Wenzel, Uwe Justus
Werlen, Iwar
Westermann, Bianca
Wetz, Gary
Wetzel, Michael
Wiegand, Daniel
Wieland, Magnus
Wiesel, Jörg
Wild, Christopher
Winckler, Barbara
Witt, Sophie
Wittmer, Alexandra
Wolfschmidt, Gudrun
Wübben, Yvonne
Wyss, Beat