Vicki Kirby
Vicki Kirby is Professor of Sociology in the School of Social Sciences at the University of New South Wales, Sydney. Books include: (Ed.): What If Culture Was Nature All Along? (Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP, 2017); Quantum Anthropologies: Life at Large (Durham: Duke UP, 2011); Judith Butler: Live Theory (London: Continuum, 2006); and Telling Flesh: The Substance of the Corporeal (New York/London: Routledge, 1997).
Beiträge //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Vicki Kirby: Telling Flesh: The Body as the Scene of Writing
Heft No. 02/2018 /// Abstract
Kappert, Ines
Karré, Vanessa
Keller, Claudia
Kemp, Wolfgang
Kirby, Vicki
Kiss, Noémi
Klauke, Jürgen
Kleihues, Alexandra
Klinger, Florian
Kloock, Daniela
Koch, Gertrud
Kohm, Andreas
Körte, Peter
Kristensen, Stefan
Kuchanskyi, Olexii
Küchenhoff, Joachim
Künzel, Christine
Kursell, Julia
Kuster, Friederike
Lacey, Nicola
Laqueur, Thomas
Largier, Niklaus
Lemke, Anja
Lensing, Leo A.
Lethen, Helmut
Limbach, Jutta
Löffler, Petra
Lubrich, Oliver
Lyu, Claire
Karré, Vanessa
Keller, Claudia
Kemp, Wolfgang
Kirby, Vicki
Kiss, Noémi
Klauke, Jürgen
Kleihues, Alexandra
Klinger, Florian
Kloock, Daniela
Koch, Gertrud
Kohm, Andreas
Körte, Peter
Kristensen, Stefan
Kuchanskyi, Olexii
Küchenhoff, Joachim
Künzel, Christine
Kursell, Julia
Kuster, Friederike
Lacey, Nicola
Laqueur, Thomas
Largier, Niklaus
Lemke, Anja
Lensing, Leo A.
Lethen, Helmut
Limbach, Jutta
Löffler, Petra
Lubrich, Oliver
Lyu, Claire