Manuela Rossini
Manuela Rossini, PhD in English Literature (Basel 2002), MA in Critical and Cultural Theory (Cardiff 1995), lic. phil. in English and Spanish Philology (Basel 1991), currently co-directs the Graduate School at the Institute of Advanced Study in the Humanities and the Social Sciences at the University of Bern. She also acts as Executive Manager and Vice President of the European Society for Science, Literature and the Arts and co-edits the book series Experimental Practices. Research fields: Posthumanism, Animal Studies, Gender Studies, Medical and Environmental Humanities.
Rabinbach, Anson
Räsänen, Pajari
Reher, Nicolai
Rehm, Robin
Rehmann-Sutter, Christoph
Renken, Arno
Renz, Seraina
Rest, Matthäus
Rickenbacher, Sergej
Rickli, Christina
Riedweg, Christoph
Rimmele, Marius
Robl, Lilian
Roeck, Bernd
Röggla, Kathrin
Rohrer, Seraina
Rose, Arthur
Rossini, Manuela
Rossini, Manuela
Rother, Wolfgang
Roussel, Martin
Ruhe, Doris
Rutschky, Michael
Räsänen, Pajari
Reher, Nicolai
Rehm, Robin
Rehmann-Sutter, Christoph
Renken, Arno
Renz, Seraina
Rest, Matthäus
Rickenbacher, Sergej
Rickli, Christina
Riedweg, Christoph
Rimmele, Marius
Robl, Lilian
Roeck, Bernd
Röggla, Kathrin
Rohrer, Seraina
Rose, Arthur
Rossini, Manuela
Rossini, Manuela
Rother, Wolfgang
Roussel, Martin
Ruhe, Doris
Rutschky, Michael