Eduardo Jorge de Oliveira
Eduardo Jorge de Oliveira is assistant professor in Brazilian Studies (Literature, Culture, Media) at the University of Zurich. He has worked as a researcher at the Deutsches Forum für Kunstgeschichte (DFK) in Paris and at the Max Planck Institute’s Bibliotheca Hertziana in Rome. His research interests include literature, ethnography, and art criticism in Latin America with a focus on Brazil, critical theory, French literature, philosophy, and visual culture. De Oliveira undertook postdoctoral research at the Centre d’histoire et de th.orie des arts (CEHTA) at the École des hautes études en sciences sociales, Paris, and at the Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem (IEL) at Universidade de Campinas, São Paulo. Recent publications: Beschweigen, Bezeichnen. Mira Schendel und die Schrift unmittelbaren Erlebens (Zürich: Diaphanes, 2020); A invenção de uma pele. Nuno Ramos em obras (São Paulo: Iluminuras, 2018). He is one of the editors of the journal LÃngua-Lugar and a regular French to Portuguese translator of authors such as Édouard Glissant, Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe, Jacques Rancière, Georges Didi-Huberman, Michel Carrouges, and Muriel Pic. Films: La joie qui vient (with Jean-Luc Nancy and Maria Filomena Molder, 2018); Une joie animale (with Jean-Christophe Bailly and Muriel Pic, 2020); Joie publique, joie politique (with Suely Rolnik and Georges Didi-Huberman, 2023).
Beiträge //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Eduardo Jorge de Oliveira: Shamanism as a Hubris-Control Technique
New Indigenous Figurations of Cosmic CommunityHeft No. 01/2023 /// Abstract
Campe, Rüdiger
Cassin, Barbara
Castellanos Vicente, MarÃa
Chestnova, Elena
Christensen, Birgit
Ciragan, Leyla
Cixous, Hélène
Clark, Kate
Clemens, Julia
Clément, Sarah
Cramer, Florian
Czernin, Franz Josef
Dam, Anders Ehlers
Damme, Nora
Danneberg, Lutz
Danuser, Hans
Darian, Veronika
David, Pascal
de Lauretis, Teresa
de Oliveira, Eduardo Jorge
de Roche, Charles
Dean, Martin R.
Décaillet, Louise
Deckha, Maneesha
Degler, Anna
Degonda, Lucia
DeJean, Joan
Denger, Marijke
Diefenbacher, Inge
Doll, Martin
Draesner, Ulrike
Drath, Marie
Dubrow, Heather
D’Alessandro, Stephanie