
Cornelia Pierstorff

Cornelia Pierstorff is PhD candidate and Wissenschaftliche Assistentin at the University of Zurich. In 2017 she spent one semester at New York University as visiting graduate student. Her dissertation focuses on strategies of ,world making‘ in Wilhelm Raabe’s narrative texts, for which purpose she frames narrative theory with theoretical positions on fictionality, rhetoric, mediality and intertextuality. She received her M. A. in Literary and Cultural Theory from Tübingen University and her B. A. in German Studies, History and Philosophy from Tübingen and Uppsala. Her research interests include narratology, media theory, psychoanalysis, literary economies as well as literary history of the 18th and 19th century.

Beiträge //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Frauke Berndt, Cornelia Pierstorff: Einleitung

Heft No. 01/2019

Cornelia Pierstorff: Die Schwelle als Modell realistischen Erzählens

Heft No. 01/2019 /// Abstract