Manuela Rossini
Manuela Rossini, PhD in English Literature (Basel 2002), MA in Critical and Cultural Theory (Cardiff 1995), lic. phil. in English and Spanish Philology (Basel 1991), is an independent researcher. From 2009 to 2014 she was the Executive Director of the Institute of Advanced Study in the Humanities and the Social Sciences at the University of Bern. She currently acts as President of the European Society for Science, Literature and the Arts and co-edits the society's book series Experimental Practices as well as The Cambridge Companion to Literature and the Posthuman (forthcoming in 2015). Research fields: Critical Posthumanism (, Animal Studies, Gender Studies, Medical and Environmental Humanities.
Beiträge //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Manuela Rossini: Einleitung
Heft No. 01/2014//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Manuela Rossini: Künstliche Reproduktion (in) der Science/Fiction
Neue Technologien – alte Geschichten?Heft No. 02/03 /// Abstract
Kappert, Ines
Karré, Vanessa
Keller, Claudia
Kemp, Wolfgang
Kirby, Vicki
Kiss, Noémi
Klauke, Jürgen
Kleihues, Alexandra
Klinger, Florian
Kloock, Daniela
Koch, Gertrud
Kohm, Andreas
Körte, Peter
Kristensen, Stefan
Kuchanskyi, Olexii
Küchenhoff, Joachim
Künzel, Christine
Kursell, Julia
Kuster, Friederike
Lacey, Nicola
Laqueur, Thomas
Largier, Niklaus
Lemke, Anja
Lensing, Leo A.
Lethen, Helmut
Limbach, Jutta
Löffler, Petra
Lubrich, Oliver
Lyu, Claire
Karré, Vanessa
Keller, Claudia
Kemp, Wolfgang
Kirby, Vicki
Kiss, Noémi
Klauke, Jürgen
Kleihues, Alexandra
Klinger, Florian
Kloock, Daniela
Koch, Gertrud
Kohm, Andreas
Körte, Peter
Kristensen, Stefan
Kuchanskyi, Olexii
Küchenhoff, Joachim
Künzel, Christine
Kursell, Julia
Kuster, Friederike
Lacey, Nicola
Laqueur, Thomas
Largier, Niklaus
Lemke, Anja
Lensing, Leo A.
Lethen, Helmut
Limbach, Jutta
Löffler, Petra
Lubrich, Oliver
Lyu, Claire